A sports event organized by Special Olympics Bharat, Tamil Nadu, Tiruvallur Chapter was held successfully at Nazareth College of Arts and Science, Avadi, Chennai, Tiruvallur Dist. The event included a variety of team and individual sports, specifically tailored for children with intellectual disabilities.

The event featured multiple sports categories:

Team Events: Crickot, Handball, Futsal, Netball, Softball

Individual Event: Skating

A total of 90 children with intellectual disabilities, 30 staffs and 8 parents from Tiruvallur District participated in the event. These participants represented 7 special schools and also included individual entrants and 15 unified students.

Nazareth College provided excellent hospitality to all participants. Each child was given a great LOVE along with tea, biscuits, cool drinks, PA Systems and mineral water. Nutritious lunch was provided by Hope Public Charitable Trust, ensuring their comfort throughout the day.

The event began with an opening ceremony where the Asst. Prof. Department of Social Work of Nazareth College of Arts and Science Avadi, Ms. Divya Bharathi, and the Physical Education Director, Mr. Kirubanand, inaugurated the first event-Skating-with a ceremonial clap. All events were managed by qualified referees who ensured the integrity and smooth flow of the competitions.

The Nazareth College distinguished Correspondent offered free access to the college’s playground facilities and arranged for staff and volunteers to support the event logistics. Mr. Amer, the Physical Education teacher at Nazareth College, and his dedicated team played a crucial role in coordinating and running each event efficiently

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