Celebrate Your birthday with our children
We want to do more with your little help. By a little part of your income to protect and uplift mentally challenged children who are in need of care & protection. You will get your tax exemption certificate within one week of your one-time donation
How to celebrate birthday in orphanage
Hope Chennai be an association to orphans, rationally handicapped and physically debilitated children which may be not keeping in touch with you must be clear in your reasoning about any profits, Hope Chennai supposes just something like how our children will survive tomorrow, Right away you camwood consider our association position for Care & Protection Centre for Mentally Retarded children. Bring anything in sweets, vegetables Also more, we accept anything starting with you regardless of you give at whatever such sort of kid, we receive him/her for our hands to our Mentally challenged children Birthday is just the significant day in everybody’s life. In the event that you need to celebrate with our children it is the amazing privilege for us and it is most useful for us and you too. Expectation Chennai put in Chennai ,orphanage in ambattur range you can come whenever to our association to give support to Charitable trust in Chennai or to give or to support a children. We are interested in any sort of sponsorships. Expectation orphanage Chennai will celebrate in a way like

Full day meal | Rs.9,000/- |
Breakfast | Rs.3,000/- |
Lunch | Rs.4,000/- |
Dinner | Rs.3,000/- |
Provisions for a week | Rs.12,500/- |
Vegetables for week | Rs.5,000/- |
Medical Expense For A Child (For 1 Term) | Rs.2,000/- |
Teaching aids | Rs.10,000/- |
Salary for special educator for a month | Rs.12,000/- |
Salary for therapist | Rs.12,000/- |
Child’s Education / Medical For A Month | Rs.1,500/- |
Medical camp | Rs.15,000/- |
Bag for Rice bag 75 kg | Rs.3,000/- |
Kitchen equipment | Rs.25,000/- |
Bookshelf & cupboards | Rs.35,000/- |
Used two vehicles | Rs.25,000/- |
Used autos | Rs.1,40,000/- |

Local India Account
State Bank of India (Current Account)
Name of the Bank: State Bank of India
A/C. No: 33989918759
Branch: Ambattur, Chennai – 600 053
Nature of Account: Current Account
IFSC No: SBIN0000987
Branch Code No: 0987 – A