Ours is a Non-Governmental organization, active since 2007 which strives to “Promote the living conditions of challenged community by providing Special Education, Vocational training and Rehabilitation services for the Children existing with Autism and Intellectual Disability. HOPE also focuses on the empowerment of marginalized and destitute women through various skill training programs. Our logo symbolizes “Hope” which is “Humanitarian Organization for People’s Empowerment”.
Currently there are 380 children exist with Intellectual disabilities who receive care and protection under our organization. We have technically qualified well experienced staff members to provide special services on special education, occupational therapy, speech therapy, Vocational Training, behavioral therapy and physiotherapy etc in 3 districts (Chennai, Tiruvallur & Kancheepuram). Our Main aim is to train the dependent children for their independent living and focus on mainstream education, Vocational skill training and in extra Curricular activities.

Currently, the trainings have helped many special Children and adults. At the training centre, the special needs children and adults receive special education and training in a variety of areas, including vocational training, music therapy, dance therapy, art and craft classes, and other activities.
The training centre was established with an aim of enabling a better independent existence and leading an independent living with empowerment.
• Member, State Advisory Board of Disability, Govt.of TamilNadu 2022-2025
• TamilNadu“State Award for the Best NGO for the year2019–2020”
•KumararajahMAMMuthaiahChettiarAwardfortheWellrunOrphanagefortheyear2018 Best NGO for the year 2019 – 2020 from united writer association’s “Life Time Achievement Award in 2019” Presented by Dr.Montek Singh Ahluwalia former deputy chairman of the planning commission.
• Dr. V. Nagarani, Founder of Hope Public Charitable Trust and Member, State Advisory Board of Disability, Govt.of Tamilnadu was honored by Dr. (Smt.) TAMILISAI SOUNDARARAJAN, the Hon’ble Governor of Telangana and the Hon’ble Lt. Governor of Puducherry for “WOMEN FORERUNNER ACHIEVER AWARD”on March10, 2023 at Bharathidasan University, Tirchy.

◦ Organic Farming and Animal Husbandry @ Annambedu Village
Persons with disabilities can perform virtually every job, and with the enabling environment and support services, majority of persons with disabilities can be as productive as persons without disabilities, there are limited employment opportunities for them. All the projects will help out developing the skills and reach the goals for independent living.
We make the Children, Women and men who are psychologically disturbed to exhibit the desirable behavior in the society and within the peer group it also to provide a positive climate, promote a sense of belonging and ensure them progress toward appropriate personal, social, emotional and academic goals.
Total no of beneficiaries impacted through various welfare activities 1,95,987
We are Hope and you are our Hope!!!

To serve as a CATALYST to uplift the LIFE STYLES of the under privileged, socially neglected, mentally challenged and those who live below poverty line with special emphasis on women and children.

"Promoting the "To promote the living conditions of the target community by a comprehensive service to develop their values, skills and talent's through self- learning and participatory programs".
- Hope Public Charitable Trust, registered under Trust Act 1882, vide Regd. No. 1125/2007.
- Income Tax Act 1961, CIRCULAR NO. 7/2010 F. No. 197/27/2010-ITA-I Dated 27-10-2010.
- Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010 vide Regd. No. 075901250.
- U/S 12AA & 80G of Income Tax Act 1961
- PAN CARD – Hope Public Charitable Trust- AAATH7141M.
- CSR Registration No: CSR00004869
- NGO Darpan: TN/2014/0075818
- Special School, Early Intervention Centre for ID & Autism is recognized by the State Commissioner for the differently abled Chennai.
- Care and protection centre for mentally retarded @ Aminjikarai and Shelter for Women with Psycho Social Needs @ Egmore is registered under Corporation of Chennai by the direction of Honorable Supreme Court PUCL vs. UOI and others W.P (Civil)
- Engagement of Hope Public Charitable Trust towards the Community Intervention Program for COVID-19 proceedings of the Joint Commissioner (Health) Greater Chennai Corporation. Public Health Department – order of the Commissioner
- Identify and build resources necessary for Research and Development to offer training, expertise and professional service in the fields of Child mental health.
- Elevating to a status of “Nodal Agency” with professional excellence.
- Establishing a centralized office with own building with the necessary infrastructure facilities
- Dr.V.Nagarani Managing Trustee of Hope Public Charitable Trust has Received 2020 Indywood Excellence Award for Innovation in Special needs Education from Honorable Academician of Delhi Government .
- “N S HEMA MEMORIAL AWARD” function held on 04.10.2019 and the Acknowledgement certificate was received by Dr.V.Nagarani, Managing Trustee of Hope Public Charitable Trust, Chennai, TN,india .
- Dr.V.Nagarani – Managing Trustee has received “HONORARY DOCTORATE” presented by Universal program from Hon’ble A.Ganesh District and session Judge (Rtd) Former, Prosecutor CBI on 21.09.2019
- Dr.V.Nagarani Received “GOLDEN LADY AWARD” on 15.08.2019 from Rotaract Club of Pegaus for her dedication of Social Service rendered for Special Kids.
- Dr.V.Nagarani Receiving “LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD” by Dr.Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Former Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, New Delhi on 08.05.2019 at Hotel Savera, Mylapore,Chennai – 600 004.
- Ooruni Foundation Working Women Achievers Award 2019 under the Special Category of “SUPERLATIVE WOMEN LEADERSHIP AWARD” received on 02.03.2019.
- Received KUMARARAJAH MUTHIAH CHETTIAR AWARD for the Well run orphanage for the year 2018 on September 30 th .
- FICCI FLO Women Achievers Award – 2017 - 2018