Orientation Program for Mothers of the Special Children held On 21.08.2024

            I’m pleased to announce that today 21st August 2024, a total of 27 parents including 16 regular parents and 11 MAHLA parents, participated in an insightful orientation program organized by MAHLA Team & Hope Public Charitable Trust. The session focused on Enhancing Communication Skills with family members, educators, and healthcare professionals, which is crucial for fostering better understanding and cooperation in care giving and educational environments.

          The orientation was conducted by the esteemed I. Asokraj, M.A., PGDSIM, DHM, who expertly guided the parents through various communication strategies. The session was highly interactive, with participants engaging in a variety of activities, including singing, dancing, and board activities, which added an enjoyable and practical element to the learning experience.

          During the session, parents were provided with valuable tools and techniques to help them effectively communicate with those involved in their children’s care and education. This empowerment is essential for ensuring that the needs and challenges faced by children with special needs are understood and addressed appropriately.

           In addition to the knowledge gained, each parent was provided with a bag of rice and dals as a gesture of support from Hope Public Charitable Trust. We understand the importance of addressing both educational and basic needs to help families thrive. A short 15-minute break was included in the program, where we provided tea and snacks to refresh and energize the participants
The orientation program was a resounding success, leaving participants feeling more confident in their ability to communicate effectively with those around them. We are grateful to I. Asokraj for leading this impactful session and to all the parents who participated with enthusiasm and dedication.

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