Our Child Profile
Madhavan M was born on 8th October 2002 for Munnusamy S and Kanagavel M. He was diagnosed of Epilepsy combined with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). His last episode of seizures was before years yet he continues to take medicine till day. Due to intake of high dosage of medicine he used to get mouth sores due to which his eating habit is been reduced. He presented problems like poor or no academic skills, poor adequate daily activities etc. after repeated Physiotherapy and occupational therapy offered by the special school he has developed skills and shown improvement. He has improved in speech, academic, well with words and self-help skill.
Nishanth R was born on 12th October 1997 for Ravindran K and Manjula R of consanguinity marriage. The family has history of mental illness. He was diagnosed of severe Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation of 2and half years. The nature of complaints included no speech and no limb coordination. He improved his speech and limb coordination after he was given physiotherapy and speech therapy. His limb coordination improved to about 25%. Now he is able to talk single words and has memory of 20 words and above. He is receptive and has good observation.

Raja P was born on 27th June 1998 for PrasathBabu (late) and Bharathi of consanguinity marriage. He was diagnosed of severe Cerebral Palsy with seizures at the age of 3 years. He use urinate when he get seizures. Even with regular medication seizures are still occurring. He talks well, has clear understanding and responds accordingly. He has problems with writing and also refuses to write. He has poor self-help skills and is very dependent on his mother for everything.
SaiPrasath was born on 12th February 2008 for Vaidiyanadhan A and Radha V. He was diagnosed of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with learning disabilities. He talks much more than normal, understands well and answers accordingly to questions. He has moderate level of attention and has adamant behavior. He has improved well in academics and writing because of physiotherapy. It has been difficult for the caretaker as his behavior problems hasn’t reduced much.

Soundaraj C was born on 27th October 2007 for Sivasankar C and SaravanaPriya V. He was diagnosed of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with Autistic features. He presented problems like writing, adamant behaviour, difficulty with sentences formation etc. he has shown better improvements after starting with Special school. His self-help skills like dressing, toilet habits, etc has improved. He is mood driven and lacks concentration. He has behaviour problems when it comes to eating, writing. He mingles with groups but still goes back to his own thinking world.
Tamilselvan M was born on 24th March 2001 for Muthian S and Padmavathi.M of consanguinity marriage. He was diagnosed of Severe Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation at the age of 1 year and was admitted to normal school for education till 5th standard. He was withdrawn from the school as he refused to write and his parents felt that he will not able to cope up the educational needs. His limb coordination became difficult as he gradually stopped writing. He was then admitted into Special school where physiotherapy was practised on regular basis. And now he is able to raise his hands and able drink a glass of water by holding on to it with little help.

Abinesh S was born on 27th January 2007 for Senthil K and Rajeswari S. He was diagnosed of ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with Autistic features. His family has a history of Epilepsy. He presented problems like delayed speech, and behavioural problems. His speech has improved and he has memory over 20 words. He is still hyperactive and lacks concentration. He has shown improvements in learning self-help skills.
Hope special school for mentally challenged children had its humble beginning in 2003 with 3 children, 2 volunteers, and a special educator. Now the school caters to the needs of almost 70 children with 15 teaching and non-teaching staff members. Owing to the financial constraints it operates in a small rented building with basic facilities. The dream is to operate in an own building with spacious rooms, play areas and necessary infrastructure.

Prasana is 9 years old. He was diagnosed of ADHD with speech impairment. He was not able to utter a word even for food and water. He was admitted into Hope Special School at the age of 4 and improved in speech. Now he is able to frame sentences, recite thirukural and sing. Also he has shown improvements academically.