
Special Educator Teacher

A good special educator  is someone who works with children and youths who have a variety of disabilities.

Teach our children

While we try to teach our children all about life our children teaches us what life is all about.


Learning can be possible to children in much more interesting ways. It also helps us to take care of individual student’s Visual support, Academic Intervention, Hand writing development, Sensory & OT, Oral motor and focus them to reduce obsessive behaviour in autism and thereby circling them to interact among other children.

HOPE Early Intervention Centre

HOPE Early Intervention Centre HOPE MAHLA (Mothers Access to Health, Livelihood, and Advocacy). A mother struggles are uncountable who is living with a child with disability such as Autism, Cerebral palsy and mental retardation. Parent and family members’ lives in social stigma and stress. A mother’s most time spent to take care of the disabled …

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