Coronavirus: Hope Chennai orphanage seeks help amid ‘critical’ outbreak

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YOU CAN HELP VULNERABLE KIDS & FAMILIES BY Sponsoring for the Poor Orphanange in chennai

For children in vulnerable families, Coronavirus is not just a health crisis, it places them at urgent risk of losing their loving homes and childhoods to the neglect of an orphanage. Children already confined to orphanages are facing increased levels of Stress. These children are voiceless, forgotten and need your help now.

Our teams are developing innovative new ways to protect them from neglect and to prevent orphanages becoming hubs of infection

Children with disabilities and underlying health conditions are especially vulnerable. We are striving to protect them from infection and from further isolation.

  • Children with disabilities who are living with serious health conditions are particularly susceptible to infection whether at home or in institutions.
  • Children with disabilities or underlying health conditions are at heightened risk of infection in orphanages. Coupled with the danger of severe staff shortages during the pandemic, these children are especially vulnerable.
  • We must do all we can to protect them and make sure they are not discriminated against when decisions about the provision of healthcare are made.

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