Mentally retarded Children,Mentally challenged children,Mentally retarded homes
Hope Chennai take care of mentally retarded children and mentally challenged children . the term mental retarded is diagnosed based on the below normal intelligence IQ and unable to learn and take care of themselves. To measure a child with mentally retarded is based on IQ test . if test is below average of 70 to75. Hope Chennai is one best handicapped orphanages in Chennai and retarded home take care a children and person from a age group of 5-40years. celebrate a birthday in orphanage, which make children in orphanage to be happy for a whole day with your support. Plan how to celebrate a birthday in orphanage by selecting a orphanage whose cause is different and unique and arrange a food for child and buy some valuable gift to the orphanage. To make your a day more special celebrate your birthday with orphans. Hope Chennai is a orphanage in Ambattur and orphanage in Aminjikari so make a protection to poor children in our orphanage. Hope Chennai make a education for child in special school in Chennai by teach a skills to child. we are charitable trust in Chennai and donate to a child by paying a 500 for every month to get a education for poor child. Donate for a lunch in any festival days which make a special to child and getting a wishes from them is fabulous things. Gather a many donation to mentally retarded children from various organization as a volunteer and make a poor orphanage to a best orphanages in Chennai. we are mainly focus on education and technical skills for children by providing a special school in Chennai to develop their mind power. Hope chennai is only place where the mentally challenged and physically children are staying by making a sponsor to a child . Hope chennai will take a each rupee from your approval is significant to us. Child sponsor an orphanages is one of best things in our life success . so make a sponsor to orphanage every year at least by sponsor a meal, shelter and support for a education. The main achieve for life is to be volunteer at orphanage and helping them till our life ends.
Hope Chennai is one of the poorest Organizations in Chennai with huge number of children even though we are not refused to take any child who came to us so if you like or love our principles and norms please donate to our organization to help our kids.
Steps to sponsor a child at Hope Chennai
• Visit Hope Chennai Home with child or kid whom do you want to sponsor.
• Register his/her name with our Home admin of Hope Chennai.
• You can visit home at our home at any time to see your sponsored child
Care & Protection Centre for the Adults
This project is run by Hope Public Charitable Trust we provide basic education, health care service, fulltime rehabilitation to 55 abandoned boys and Adults. All the 55 members in this centre are Destitute, abandoned boys and Adult living with various Degrees (stages) of mental health problems. (Children suffering with intellectual deficiency, learning deficiency and memory skill deficiency).
Most of the boys admitted in the centre were referred from Child welfare committee (Tamil Nadu Juvenile Justice Board) those committed with smaller criminal and civil offences. Boys admitted in this centre are at the age group of 9 and above. City Police picked up some boys from Public places roaming on the Roads and Streets, Platforms of Railway Station and Bus terminus in the city. The children as above said as of the reasons to be brought under the legal statuary policy by the Child welfare committee Tamil Nadu Juvenile Justice Board to provide rehabilitation and resettlement. Children those who do not have proof of identification, no evidence of parent or guardian admitted in this centre for Care and Protection.
In our Care and protection centre, Boys are given Basic education on Tamil language comprehension, reading, writing and understanding the basic social skills. Also they trained to learn simple mathematical scales and tables. We have vocational skills Training unit in the centre to provide to Training to earn reasonable money to establish self-business.

Our Objectives of the Training Program
- To provide need based and skill based vocational training.
- To create awareness on vocational training and rehabilitating the community.
- To discuss the process of vocational training and components of job analysis.
- To empower the trainees for self-advocacy.
- To make Persons with Disabilities self-dependent in related trades.
- To make them learn independent living skills in the community.
- To make them aware about their rights.
- By caring and rehabilitating of the Special children helps to fulfill our aim by providing a safe environment where these children have access to their basic rights – of Protection, Education, Health care and a happy childhood.
Serving in the field of Special education is the most important contribution a person can offer in society today. The rehabilitation experts understands and applies knowledge of the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities in particular, those who choose to serve students with special needs play a crucial role in improving the outcome so find individuals with disabilities. At present available resources are used to maximum effect to drive improved outcomes for children. Students with special educational needs have an individualized assessment which informs teaching and learning and forms one part of an ongoing and cyclical process of assessment, intervention and review of outcomes. This project will help us to carry out individual assessment of the children by identifying the skills and reaching the goals for independent living