Defining new destinies

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Breaking through barriers created by society and circumstances, the Children’s Home of Hope gives every child an opportunity to RISE UP, STAND STRONG, and FLY HIGH.

Every child at the Home is recognized as an individual with unique gifts and talents. The eight staff members who live with the children know their backgrounds and work to nurture their potential. Each child receives individual counseling and care.

Hopechennai helps only orphan and poor students who cannot afford education. It combines the ancient Gurukula system with modern technology under the care of monks of the Ramakrishna Order and dedicated teachers. The Orphanage Home inculcates character building and man making education to its students and thus able to produce citizens of high calibre every year.

       It functions with the generous donations contributed by charitable people and institutions. Donations, Contributions, Sponsorships or Scholarship and Educational help given to the Students Home are exempted from Income Tax in India. Donors can contribute Income Tax Exempted Donations u/s 80G of Income Tax 1961 for educating orphan and poor children. Online Donations are accepted

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