The Tamil Nadu government has reconstituted the State Advisory Board on Disability as mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. According to the Act, the advisory board is expected to facilitate the continuous evaluation of a comprehensive policy for the empowerment of people with disabilities, where the government can work on policies and legislation with respect to disability, develop a state policy, and take up the cause of persons with disabilities with the authorities concerned with a view to providing for schemes and projects in the state plans, and monitor and evaluate the impact of laws and programs to determine whether they achieve full participation of persons with disabilities.

The Tamil Nadu State Advisory Board on Disability Welfare meeting was held on October 16, 2023 on Monday morning between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Tamil Nadu secretariat, Namakkal Kavingner Maligai at the 10th floor conference hall. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Thiru M. K. Stalin, and the chairperson of the board presided over the meeting. All the officers from Differently Abled Welfare and the special director and the nominated advisory board members participated in the meeting.

Dr. V. Nagarani, Founder/ Managing Trustee, presented a certain valuable agenda in the meeting:

1. For children with cerebral palsy, the Differently Abled Welfare Department provide splint supportive aid every year, but every year it could be modified, and supply can be recommended depending on the conditions of the child.

2. Every 10 years, a scooter is provided to Differently Abled either to be made full service or to replace the new scooter. 10 years will be a period of fitness.

3. In every district hospital, a doctor will be posted full-time to provide medical services for children with an intellectual disability. 

4. For every care and protection shelter, homes must be initiated and vocational skills extended development activities.

5. Parents of the Differently Abled are struggling to take over a rented house in Chennai. The state, the government can allot houses to the slum clearance board, or the Tamil Nadu Housing Board on free of charge, particularly on the ground floor.

6. Information on web sites and advertisement of early intervention centers, autism special training centers, special schools for children with intellectual disabilities and care and protection centers for M.R.children and rehabilitation homes for people with mental illness. All activities and the operational systems are to be televised on TV as special awareness for the public domain.

Dr. V. Nagarani presented a poetry model representation to the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Thiru M. K. Stalin, which includes all welfare, schemes for the Differently Abled Welfare on the valuable of Chief Minister Leadership. She also presented photos of the former Chief Minister Stalwart M. Karunanidhi. Dr. V. Nagarani was highly appreciated by the participants, and it was a great joy to see our honored chief minister receive the photo and poetry model with love.

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