A mass family Reintegration happened on 17th and 18th April 2021. Five of the residents who completed treatment at the Institute of Mental Health and after the counseling, vocational training, etc. were reintegrated with the family around Chennai. The journey to find their homes started at 9.00 am and ended up at 2.00 am. Residents were accompanied by three staff including the driver. The two young ladies, Ms. Nandhini (Coordinator cum Counselor) and Ms.Tamilselvi (Security Guard, Day cum Care Taker) took care of the residents during the entire process. It was a very tough time for the staff because sometimes it was very difficult to spot the addresses told by the residents.
Another challenge faced was a denial of the family members. Even though the truth is revealed that these residents overcame their pathetic life situation, the family members are not ready to accept it. Som family who is financially backward denied accepting them because of their poverty; some family considers these people as a taboo and burden to their status in the society. Anyhow, every family was given proper family counseling and awareness within a short time. From this it is clearly understood that rather than giving counseling to the patients, the foremost counseling should be prioritized to the family members.
Orphanage Family Reintegration