Hope Chennai is the Home for mentally disabled and physically handicapped children. Hope Chennai is in need for food, clothes and more for our children. Please join your hands with us it will help for innocent children. Hope Chennai is trying to change their life style with help of kind hearted donors and sponsors. You can adopt child from our orphanage Hope Chennai. We can accept any kind of sponsorships like vegetables, food, clothes, Money, Medicines, snacks and more. If you find any abandoned kids or orphans give them to us, Hope Chennai can take care of those children. Hope Chennai is inspired by Mother Teresa, she is not from India but she is inspiration for many organizations like us. Hope Chennai is the non profit organization, we are only here to give the best path to mentally challenged children and orphans. We adopt kids from anywhere of India and we give life to them. Hope Chennai provides the living conditions to our adopted kids in a level what we can have. Please donate or sponsor shelter, money and services to make our kids life better