Kavitha Hope Chennai

Kavitha is an ambitious family woman who had dreams about a good and peaceful life.
However, the intense shocking incident of her beloved husband’s death shook her stable mind and emotions. She struggled a lot to get over it. She approached many places after which she ended up in ‘Shelter for Women with Psycho-Social Needs’. This shelter home is run by HOPE PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST‘ under Greater Chennai Corporation where she got proper care. Kavitha was rescued by the rescue team of Greater Chennai Corporation and was admitted to this shelter home. For about three months she took medication, underwent psychological counseling, psychotherapy, etc.
She was a rabble-rouser among the residents and created chaos in the shelter home. In the beginning, she didn’t cooperate with the staff to take medication and do activities, etc. She later was admitted to the Institute of Mental Health for further treatment. After few days of treatment at the hospital, she came back to the shelter home and attended many sessions of counseling.
During the third stage of her treatment, she started to show some positive changes, like voluntarily doing activities, cooperating in events, etc. Eventually, the staff of the shelter home realized that Kavitha has excellent at singing songs. The coordinator Ms.Nandhini and other staff members gave her some screening and opportunities to sing songs in the events such as Pongal Celebration.

Dr. V.NAGARANI, Managing Trustee, and Mr. V.RAKESH SHARMA, Administrator of HPCT
was very impressed with her beautiful voice and requested Mrs. YAMINI, the well-wisher and
Regular Supporter of HOPE, who was introduced by VIDHAI VRUKSHAM TEAM, Who is also a
trustful well-wisher, to identify a proper platform to exhibit Kavitha’s talent.
Dr. Nagarani after her strenuous effort was able to get support from MOUNARAGAM
MURALI is a renowned musician. He organizes a musical event every year to give opportunities for People with Special Needs. Kavitha was able to get a chance to sing in front of a prominent singer S. P. Charan who is the son of the legend Sri. S. P. Balasubramaniam. Getting permission for this opportunity was a Herculean task for all of them. Fortunately, Kavitha appeared before the audience and mesmerized everyone with her harmonious voice.
Followed by this program, Kavitha expressed her wish to return back to home and reunite with her family. She wanted to start a new life, go for a good job and look after her family.
Considering her betterment the Trust took initiative to find her home address at Pondicherry.
Shelter Coordinator Mr. Arun and Support Staff Ms. Saranya accompanied Mrs. Kavitha to
Pondicherry and reintegrated her with the family.
Before going she was given many sittings of counseling after which she was able to cope up with the reality. We are happy that she was able to survive her depression and start a new life.

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